Wednesday, October 31, 2012

John Patterson Smith - father of Clara Elvira Smith Wright

After reading again the autobiography of Harry Wright, he mentions donating the diary of John Pattesron Smith, his maternal grandfather, to Miami University.  I am trying to locate it just to look and maybe make some copies of pages.  But found the below on web. 

born 6/18/1816 death December 16, 1888 - burial Fairhaven

Mary Patterson Smith was John's mother.

Robert Smith was John's father

James Smith, Sr - father of Robert Smith  (buried Hopewell)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Harold Wright Navy letter to his mother, Ruth

Letter from Harold Wright to his mother, Ruth, dated Dec 31, 1944

Harry Wright's children

Wright Geneology

Geneology of Wright family - from year 1795






Wednesday, October 24, 2012