Monday, November 26, 2012

FB #13 Happy Workers

This farm bureau council was formed in 1966.  I remember the third Saturday of the month was meeting night.  If our parents were the host that meant LOTS of cleaning and making the dessert.  If not we (us kids) got to be home by ourselves. 

The above pictures has the original members.
Bob and Marilee Harris
Jim and Edith Williams
Leroy and Genee Hessee
Stanley and Helen Wright
Clifford and Violet Whitesell
Harold and Juanita Wright
Bob and Jean West
Virgil and Eunice Murphy

(as of Nov 2012.  the remaining members are Genee Hesse, Eunice Murphy, Helen Wright,

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

John Patterson Smith - father of Clara Elvira Smith Wright

After reading again the autobiography of Harry Wright, he mentions donating the diary of John Pattesron Smith, his maternal grandfather, to Miami University.  I am trying to locate it just to look and maybe make some copies of pages.  But found the below on web. 

born 6/18/1816 death December 16, 1888 - burial Fairhaven

Mary Patterson Smith was John's mother.

Robert Smith was John's father

James Smith, Sr - father of Robert Smith  (buried Hopewell)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Harold Wright Navy letter to his mother, Ruth

Letter from Harold Wright to his mother, Ruth, dated Dec 31, 1944

Harry Wright's children

Wright Geneology

Geneology of Wright family - from year 1795






Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Remembering Donald - 9/5/1986-5/2/2012

Remembering Donald

Sept 5 was Donald birthday.  Our family misses him deeply.  I pray for Leslie  to stay strong.  I can't imagine the emptiness she feels.  I know she misses calling him.  She loved to call and see what he was doing all day.  Hannah is such a blessing.  We have to remember to tell her ever time we can about her dad.  She will never really understand.  Her faith from our telling her is what she will have.  Just like our faith in our Heavenly Father.  We have never seen him but we trust and hold on to our faith that He is. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

American Revolution War - Descendant

The below shows our  heritage traced to the American Revolution War. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Brown Geneology

Below is information for the Brown Geneology - Bertha Brown McCreary

Robert Joseph Brown - son of James and Betsy Scott Brown

Vinola Shaw Brown - wife of Robert Joseph Brown

William Brown, wife Erma and daughter Winifred-  first son of James and Julia Brown. 

Bertha Brown, third child of James & Julia Brown, wife of Charles McCreary.  She would be my maternal great grandmother.

picture of Edith Brown, seventh child of James & Julia Brown (sister to Bertha Brown, wife of Charles McCreary)

Lois Brown - sister to Bertha Brown McCreary 1879-1964 - 8th of nine children

David Robertson geneology - father of Julie Robertson who married James Scott Brown and they were parents of Bertha.